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Acer Chooses Virtual Reality Partner for TCEA Show. Guess Who It Is…

Palo Alto – With the TCEA show in Austin, Texas only a couple weeks away, ACER is preparing to roll out their virtual reality solution for American classrooms. To that end, they have chosen curriculum created by VictoryVR, an ed tech startup out of Iowa.

VictoryXR retained Wendy Martin, a finalist for teacher of the year by ABC Television, as their virtual reality host to conduct experiments in a 360 virtual world and bring the best teachers in America to every student.

Even more, the VR curriculum takes children on virtual field trips around the world and even into space. “We teach engineering design on the Great Wall of China and Earth’s formation on the volcanoes of Iceland because students retain more when they experience what they learn,” said Steve Grubbs, VictoryXR Founder and CEO.

TCEA is one of the largest education technology shows in the United States and traditionally kicks off the season as the first major show of the year. This year it will be held in Austin, February 6-9th.

“We would love for visitors to drop by our Acer booth and put on a VR headset. In just a few seconds guests can take a spaceship to a black hole or drive a rover on Mars as they learn about the origins of the universe. It’s fun and even more, students are immersed in science,” said David Huang, Acer virtual reality product manager.

Acer will be using an Oculus Rift headset, owned by Facebook, to demonstrate the cutting edge learning solution.

VictoryXR has 48 units of science based on Next Gen Science Standards. They include virtual comic books, interactive experiences and dozens of field trips around the world.

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