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Device Compatibility

VR headset and hardware compatibility for VictoryXR titles.

*The first generation Meta Quest headset is prone to crashes and may not be compatible with VXRLabs.

DeviceAccessCan Join Multiplayer Sessions with Other DevicesHand Controllers
Fully Immersive, Complex Interactions
Keyboard & Mouse
Modified Interactions & System-Based Controls
Touch Screens
Spectator Only, No Hands-On Interactions
*Meta Quest 1TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Meta Quest 2Standalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Meta Quest ProStandalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Meta Quest 3Standalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Lenovo VRXStandalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Pico Neo 3Standalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Pico 4Standalone + TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Valve IndexTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Windows Headsets (MR)TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Oculus RiftTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Oculus Rift STetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC ViveTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC Vive ProTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC Vive Pro 2TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC Vive CosmosTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC Vive Focus 3TetheredYesYesN/AN/A
HTC Vive XR EliteTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Bigscreen BeyondTetheredYesYesN/AN/A
Windows PCApplicationYesN/AYesN/A
Mac OSApplicationYesN/AYesN/A
Chromebook & Web BrowserChrome, Safari, etc.Coming Soon!N/AYes (Select Experiences Only)N/A
Android Phones & TabletsApplicationComing Soon!N/AN/AYes
iOSApplicationComing Soon!N/AN/AYes

Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.

Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.