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Total Unit Running Time: 30-40* minutes

plane logo on green button icon for teacher support pages

FIELD TRIP : Rube Goldberg Machine 

Running Time: 6:24 

NGSS: HS-PS2-1, HS-PS3-3 

Assemble a Rube Goldberg Machine with VVR Host, Steve Grubbs, while gaining a better understanding of the  mechanics of the device. At different stages of the build, students will learn about energy transfer in a fun and  easy to understand way, while seeing Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion carried out.  

For more information, visit here

Purple puzzle piece logo for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced* 

NGSS: LS3-1 

Fashioned in a 1980s aesthetic, this interactive game allows students to choose their racing level and then maneuver their vehicle while answering questions based on unit content. Physics-based driving controls and track  design seamlessly blend learning and gaming along the colorful routes. Shortcut opportunities embedded in the  tracks are awarded for skilled driving and quick thinking. 

video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

STORY 1 : Newton’s 2nd Law of Bowling 

Running Time: 4:56 


Topics Covered  

  • Newton’s 1st & 2nd Laws of Motion 
  • Concepts of acceleration, force, & mass 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. D (BT3—application) 
  2. B (BT2—comprehension)
  3. C (BT4—analysis) 
  4. A (BT3—application) 
  5. B (BT6—evaluation) 
video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

STORY 2 : Brush’s Mill 

Running Time: 6:07 


Topics Covered 

  • Mini-biography of Charles Brush 
  • Concepts of wind power & hydroelectricity 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. B (BT1—knowledge) 
  2. B (BT4—analysis) 
  3. A (BT1—knowledge) 
  4. D (BT2—comprehension)
  5. D (BT5—synthesis) 
apple graphic on red button icon for teacher support pages

TEACHER DEMO: Imaging With Wendy 

Running Time: 9:01 

NGSS: HS-PS3-3, HS-PS4-5 

Vocabulary: radiography, fluoroscopy 

Topics Covered 

  • Wave behaviors 
  • Purpose & function of MRI, CT scan, & X-ray 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills 

  1. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  2. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  3. C (BT1—knowledge) 
  4. B (BT4—analysis) 
  5. C (BT2—comprehension) 


Radiologist, Ultrasound Technician, Biomedical Engineer 

Science Standards: 

NGSS: HS-PS2-1, HS-PS3-3, HS-PS4-5; TEKS: 112.38(c.2.C), 112.38(c.3.B), 112.38(c.3.C), 112.38(c.3.D), 112.38(c.4.C), 112.38(c.4.D), 112.38(c.4.E), 112.38(c.5.A),  112.38(c.5.B), 112.38(c.5.G),112.38(c.5.H), 112.38(c.5.I), 112.39(c.2.H), 112.39(c.3.B), 112.39(c..3.D), 112.39(c.6.B), 112.39(c.6.D), 112.39(c.4.B), 112.39(c.4.C),  112.39(c.4.D), 112.39(c.4.F), 112.39(c.7.A), 112.39(c.7.F); CPALMS: SC.912.N.1.3, SC.912.N.1.6, SC.912.N.1.7, SC.912.N.1.7, SC.912.N.2.2, SC.912.N.2.4,  SC.912.N.2.5, SC.912.N.3.5, SC.912.N.4.1, SC.912.N.4.2, SC.912.P.10.1, SC.912.P.10.16, SC.912.P.10.17, SC.912.P.10.20, SC.912.P.12.3,