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Total Unit Running Time: 25-35 minutes

plane logo on green button icon for teacher support pages

FIELD TRIP: Quad City Botanical Center, IL 

Running Time: 4:36 

NGSS: 5-LS2-1 

VVR Host, Steve Grubbs, takes students inside the Quad City Botanical Center to talk about ecosystems and the interdependence of humans and plants. Surrounded by lush floral and standing inches away from the koi pond, Steve addresses the movement of matter among living organisms. For more information visit here.  

Purple puzzle piece logo for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced 

Learners stand atop a virtual hill in the VictoryVR Valley as ogres charge up toward them.  By rolling boulders down the hill, the ogres are pushed back, allowing students to earn more time to make it to the finish. Rolling boulders is easy, but getting enough of them to conquer the ogre. Students must correctly respond to rapid-fire questions based on the unit.

video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

THEATER 1 : Energy & Matter 

Running Time: 5:08 

NGSS: 5-LS2-1; 5-PS3-1 

Topics Covered  

  • Concepts of photosynthesis and plant respiration
  • Producers vs. consumers 
  • Carnivores, decomposers, herbivores, omnivores 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. D (BT2–comprehension)
  2. A (BT1–knowledge) 
  3. B (BT3–application) 
  4. C (BT4–analysis) 
  5. D (BT6–evaluation)
video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

THEATER 2: Endangered Species

Running Time: 5:23 

Topics Covered 

  • Concepts of ecosystems, endangered species, extinction 
  • Highlights of regulation and legislation to help address preservation issues

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. B (BT2–comprehension)
  2. C (BT2–comprehension)
  3. D (BT3–application)
  4. D (BT3–application)
  5. A (BT6–evaluation)
apple graphic on red button icon for teacher support pages

TEACHER DEMO : Hydroponic Farming with Wendy 

Running Time: 8:55 

NGSS: 5-LS1-1, 5-LS2-1 

Topics Covered 

  • Plants’ needs (without soil) 
  • Benefits and purpose of hydroponic farming

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills 

  1. C (BT1–knowledge) 
  2. B (BT2–comprehension)
  3. D (BT2—comprehension)
  4. D (BT4–analysis) 
  5. A (BT1–knowledge)

Science Standards
NGSS: 5-LS1-1, 5-LS2-1, 5-LS3-1; TEKS: 5(b.6.A), 5(b.9.A), 5(b.9.B), 5(b.9.C), 5(b.9.D);  CPALMS: SC.5.P.10.1, SC.5.L.10.1, SC.5.L.15.1