Pan for gold in North Carolina, with VXR Host Steve Grubbs at America’s first site where gold was discovered. While getting a glimpse of an 1895 gold mill in action, learn about the properties of gold. The Mohs scale, ratings to determine mineral hardness, is also addressed.
Students are motivated to learn as they drive their virtual race car around the track. Each lap presents a new prompt based on unit content. As they drive around the track, racers are presented with sets of answer options. In order to tag the correct answer, they move the car to the right or left (by turning their heads) to run over their selection. The more correct answers they drive over, the higher score they will earn. Racers select their driving speed for a comfortable pace.
THEATER : Matter
Running Time: 5:56
NGSS: 5-PS1-1, 5-PS1-2, 5-PS1-3, 5-PS1-4
Topics Covered
Concepts of matter, molecules, phases
Properties of solids, liquids, gases
Chemical reactions, distinguishing
Topics Covered
Identification of properties of matter
Theory of phase changes
Chemistry demos for density
VIRTUAL COMIC BOOK : The First Lady of Physics
Running Time: Self-paced*
Topics Covered
Biography of Chien Shiun Wu’s life
Concepts of particle accelerator, atomic research, weak forces
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Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.