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Blog Technology

The Data-driven Case for Virtual Reality Learning

By Steve Grubbs CEO, VictoryXR, Inc. It makes sense that virtual reality would improve learning, after all it’s immersive, engaging and experiential all in one. While those may sound like education buzzwords, the bottom line is simple: kids think it’s cool and who wouldn’t want to learn about photosynthesis while standing among the ancient redwoods […]

Blog Technology

Greig Joins Virtual Reality Education Startup VictoryVR

Mary Greig, a 20-year sales and sales management professional, has joined VictoryXR as Regional Virtual Reality Sales Director.  In this newly created position, Greig will focus on expanding the Educational Curriculum Platform to schools around the nation.    “With virtual reality breaking into a wide variety of industries, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that […]

Blog Technology

VictoryVR to Roll Out First Oculus-based Virtual Reality Science Curriculum Tuesday

Davenport, Iowa—Students at Buffalo Elementary School, in Buffalo, Iowa will be the first students to study from an Oculus Rift-based science curriculum immersed in virtual reality. The curriculum, developed by VictoryXR, relies on the NextGEN national science standards to develop a series of virtual learning modules for each section. In addition to virtual field trips, […]

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