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Aerospace Engineering

Total Unit Running Time: 30-40* minutes

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FIELD TRIP : The Future With Drones 

Running Time: 5:18 


Hover hundreds of feet in the air aboard an unmanned aerial vehicle while taking in the sights of Credit Island  with VVR Host, Steve Grubbs. While zooming around with a birds-eye view, students learn about the benefits and  drawbacks of drone usage: from life-saving capabilities and agriculture management to privacy issues. Like it or  not, drones are here and will likely become more prevalent in the future.  

For more information, visit here

Purple puzzle piece logo for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced* 

With a 360-degree perspective of The Wright Flyer, students have the opportunity to learn about how Orville  and Wilbur Wright overcame obstacles as they continued to refine their one-of-a-kind flying apparatus. After  taking a tour around the machine, students will take a quick flight to another hangar and finish the story of how  the plane became successful after numerous attempts.

video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

STORY 1 : Siya, Sathvik, and the Satellites

Running Time: 6:21 

NGSS: HS-ETS1-3, HS-LS4-6 

Topics Covered  

  • Aerospace tools aiding biodiversity 
  • Negative impacts of human activity 
  • Habits of Asian Elephants 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. B (BT1—knowledge) 
  2. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  3. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  4. C (BT4—analysis) 
  5. C (BT2—comprehension) 
video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

STORY 2: Fail Better 

Running Time: 6:15 


Topics Covered 

  • Overview of SpaceX program 
  • Benefits and constraints related to modern-day space travel

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. C (BT1—knowledge) 
  2. B (BT2—comprehension)
  3. A (BT2—comprehension)
  4. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  5. A (BT1—knowledge) 
apple graphic on red button icon for teacher support pages

T E ACHER DEMO: Aerodynamics With Wendy 

Running Time: 9:15 


Vocabulary: drag, thrust, lift, aerodynamics 

Topics Covered 

  • Constraints of ice on a plane 
  • 4 forces: weight, drag, lift, thrust 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills 

  1. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  2. C (BT2—comprehension)
  3. A (BT6—evaluation) 
  4. D (BT5—synthesis) 
  5. C (BT1—knowledge) 


Aerospace Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Materials Engineer 

Science Standards: 

NGSS: HS-ETS1-1, HS-ETS1-3, HS-LS4-6; TEKS: 112.33(c.14.A), 112.33(c.14.B), 112.33(c.14.E), 112.36(c.2.E), 112.36(c.2.F), 112.37 (c.2.F), 112.37(c.2.H), 112.37 (c.2.I),  112.37(c.2.K), 112.37(c.3.D), 112.37(c.3.E),112.37(c.3.F),112.39(c.2.E), 112.39(c.2.H), 112.39(c.2.K), 112.39(c.2.L), 112.39(c.3.A), 112.39(c.3.B), 112.39(c.3.D), 112.39(c.3.E),  112.39(c.4.A), 112.39(c.4.B), 112.39(c.4.D), 130.414 (c.3.A), 130.414(c.4.A), 130.414(c.4.D), 130.414(c.4.E); CPALMS: SC.912.E.5.7, SC.912.L.17.1, SC.912.L.17.13,  SC.912.L.17.17, SC.912.L.17.20, SC.912.L.17.8, SC.912.N.1.3, SC.912.N.1.6, SC.912.N.1.7, SC.912.N.2.4, SC.912.N.2.5, SC.912.N.3.3, SC.912.N.3.5, SC.912.N.4.1,  SC.912.N.4.2, SC.912.N.3.5,

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Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.