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Program Contents

  • Victor Torso Model 
  • 24”H / 18”W / 8”L 
  • Teacher Support Page 
  • Scannable Lesson Trigger: Digestive System 
  • Esophagus 
  • Gallbladder 
  • Large Intestine 
  • Liver 
  • Pancreas 
  • Small Intestine 
  • Spleen 
  • Stomach 
  • Teeth 
  • Tongue
Victor the torso logo with VXR text for TSP

Program Overview

This app allows students to explore high fidelity reconstructions of human organ models and view them from any angle. Guided by  nationally-award winning science teacher, Wendy Martin, students explore various organs in Victor’s digestive system. Wendy reviews each of  the organ structures, their respective functions, and how they interact and influence one another.

App Downloading Instructions

NGSS: Next Gen Science Standards


LS1.A: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: Multicellular organisms have a hierarchical structural organization, in which any one system is made up of numerous parts and is itself a component of the next level. 


HS-LS1-2: Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms. 

Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.

Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.