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Teachers Believe in the Benefits of VR Learning

A recently released report from Lenovo paints a positive picture for virtual reality’s future in education. According to the research, an overwhelming majority (94 percent) of teachers in the UK believe that VR is beneficial to education and has a place in the classroom. Almost half of these same teachers think that the technology will be found in many classrooms in the next five years.

Helen Skelton of the BBC stated that “it’s become increasingly clear that we need to be more creative when offering visual learning.” Having worked in children’s programming for a number of years, she feels that youth are “so engrossed in technology these days it is vital this translates to the classroom as well” and that “VR is the perfect enabler for students, no matter their background or abilities, to experience the unexpected and to thrive within our education system.”

Almost every (97 percent) teacher surveyed who has used VR in their classrooms has seen the benefits in the form of a more engaged student body. They feel that VR addresses the need to make things “real” and “relatable” and the ability to explore new worlds with VR is especially appealing to them.

Products within the VR education market space – like VictoryXR‘s Science suite – are addressing this issue by providing users with the ability to travel through outer space, inside the human body, and across the Earth.

As VR technology grows in its adoption, the educational experiences it can offer will skyrocket. Hopefully, travelling to Mars within a VR headset will inspire students to set foot upon its surface one day.

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