Cruise along with VVR Host, Jim Kent, to understand how energy is converted from one form to another via a combustion engine. Amid the unique cars in this museum, view various engine types and better understand their functions and abilities. Learn all about how the conversion process works as sparks and fuel are transformed to power motor vehicles. For more information, please visit here.
Running Time: Self-paced*
In Escape House, students have the ability to see seemingly abstract concepts put to practical use as they attempt to escape from a locked room. By solving puzzles designed to exemplify the core concepts and knowledge they’ve learned from the unit, students will gain a more holistic understanding of the topic. This reinforcement is aided as each solution is accompanied by a voiceover, explaining how and why the solution was successful.
THEATER 1 : Stoichiometry
Running Time: 6:31
NGSS: HS-PS1-1, HS-PS1-7
Topics Covered
Relative properties of atoms
Law of Conservation of Mass
Concept of Avogadro’s Number & moles
Assessment Answer Key & Critical Thinking Skills
B (BT2–comprehension)
A (BT3–application)
C (BT4–analysis)
B (BT1–knowledge)
D (BT6–evaluation)
THEATER 2: Energy Breakdown
Running Time: 5:17
NGSS: HS-PS1-6, HS-PS1-2
Topics Covered
Exothermic vs. Endothermic Reactions
Le Chatelier’s Principle
Factors impacting chemical reactions
Assessment Answer Key & Critical Thinking Skills
D (BT6–evaluation)
D (BT6–evaluation)
C (BT4–analysis)
A (BT2–comprehension)
C (BT2–comprehension)
TEACHER DEMO : Reacting With Wendy
Running Time: 5:53
Vocabulary: equilibrium, Le Chatelier’s Principle
Topics Covered
Examples of stressors to chemical reactions
Demo of cobalt chloride with stressors
Assessment Answer Key & Critical Thinking Skills
D (BT1–knowledge)
A (BT3–application)
B (BT1–knowledge)
C (BT2–comprehension)
A (BT4–analysis)
Anesthesiologist, Chemistry Teacher, Drug & Alcohol Testing Technician
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Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.