Fly a kite with VictoryVR host, Steve Grubbs, as he demonstrates the Wright Brothers’ success with flying along the airstrip where they took their first ride. Tracing their path and attempts at modern flight, see how the brothers used the delimiting process to design a safe and successful aircraft.
Learners start deep in the VictoryVR Castle which rests on a remote island. The goal is to escape the castle and reach the gates, but at each door stands a troll blocking the exit. To make it past the troll in each room, students accurately respond to a question or puzzle. An incorrect answer provides students another opportunity at the prompt. After three wrong responses, the game resets.
THEATER 1 : Where to Begin
Running Time: 8:06
Topics Covered
Design requirements process
Wright Brothers story used to parallel design process
Assessment Answer Key & Critical Thinking Skills
D (BT5–synthesis)
A (BT1–knowledge)
A (BT3–application)
C (BT6–evaluation)
B (BT6–evaluation)
THEATER 2: The Importance of Failure
Running Time: 6:08
Topics Covered
Idea of trial and error in science
Examples of paper airplane construction toward improvement
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