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Biological Evolution

Total Unit Running Time: 30-40* minutes

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FIELD TRIP: Nags Head Beach 

Running Time: 7:18 

NGSS: MS-LS4-4, MS-LS4-6 

Bask on the sunny banks of Nags Head Beach, NC with VVR Host, Steve Grubbs, while learning about natural selection and adaptation. At a cordoned off area protecting endangered sea turtle eggs,  Steve discusses which reproductive habits these turtles employ to try and preserve their species. For more information visit here  

Purple puzzle piece logo for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced* 

Students are motivated to learn as they drive their virtual race car around the track. Each lap presents a new prompt based on unit content. As they drive around the track, racers are presented with sets of answer options. In order to tag the correct answer, they move the car to the right or left (by turning their heads) to run over their selection. The more correct answers they drive over, the higher score they will earn. Racers select their driving speed for a comfortable pace.

video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

THEATER : Consider the Whale 

Running Time: 6:33 

NGSS: MS-LS4-1, MS-LS4-2, MS-LS4-4 

Topics Covered  

  • Evolution of whales  
  • Concepts of fitness, adaptation, competition, natural selection

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. D (BT2–comprehension)
  2. A (BT1–knowledge) 
  3. B (BT4–analysis) 
  4. B (BT1–knowledge) 
  5. C (BT6–evaluation)
video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced* 

Topics Covered 

  • Darwin’s experiences and discoveries aboard the HMS Beagle 
  • Darwin’s theories of natural selection and evolution 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. B (BT1–knowledge) 
  2. A (BT2–comprehension)
  3. B (BT2–comprehension)
  4. D (BT1–knowledge) 
  5. C (BT2–comprehension)
apple graphic on red button icon for teacher support pages

TEACHER DEMO : Snake Charming with Wendy

Running Time: 9:09 

NGSS: MS-LS4-2, MS-LS4-6 

Topics Covered 

  • Evolution of snakes 
  • Characteristics of constrictors 
  • Pythons and boas up close 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills 

  1. D (BT5–synthesis) 
  2. C (BT4–analysis) 
  3. A (BT2–comprehension)
  4. B (BT6–evaluation) 
  5. D (BT1–knowledge)

Science Standards
NGSS: MS-LS4-1, MS-LS4-2, MS-LS4-4, MS-LS4-6; TEKS: 8(b.3.A), 8(b.3.D), 8(b.4.A), 8(b.11.C);  CPALMS: SC.8.N.1.3, SC.8.N.1.5, SC.8.N.1.6, SC.8.N.2.1, SC.8.N.3.2