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Total Unit Running Time: 30-40 minutes

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FIELD TRIP: Stinson Beach, CA 

Running Time: 3:10 


VVR Host, Steve Grubbs, addresses kinetic energy and mass, as well as wave movement caused by heat  and wind–all while standing on the sandy shores of the central coast in California

Purple puzzle piece logo for teacher support pages


Running Time: Self-paced 

Based on the traditional word search students stand in a 360* cylinder with letters spanning from floor to the ceiling. Hidden within the mass of letters are terms from the lessons they experience in this unit. By staring at the first letter of a vocabulary word, they start a yellow line that runs across the word as they move their head. Once students get to the last letter, they pause and allow the word to be fully highlighted and checked off the list.

video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

THEATER 1 : Transformation of Energy 

Running Time: 6:35 

NGSS: MS-PS3-3, MS-PS3-5 

Topics Covered  

  • 3 types of energy transfer: conduction, radiation, convection 
  • 6 forms of energy 
  • Potential vs. kinetic energy 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. A (BT3–application) 
  2. B (BT2–comprehension)
  3. D (BT6–evaluation) 
  4. C (BT1–knowledge) 
  5. D (BT3–application)  
video camera logo on blue button icon for teacher support pages

THEATER 2 : Electric & Gravitational Fields 

Running Time: 6:05 

NGSS: MS-PS2-3, MS-PS2-4, MS-PS2-5 

Topics Covered 

  • Distinction between mass and weight 
  • Gravitational vs magnetic fields
  • Concepts of force, field, gravity

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. D (BT3–application) 
  2. D (BT2–comprehension)
  3. C (BT4—analysis) 
  4. A (BT6–evaluation) 
  5. B (BT2–comprehension)
apple graphic on red button icon for teacher support pages

TEACHER DEMO : Kitchen Physics with Wendy 

Running Time: 12:03 

NGSS: MS-PS3-3, MS-PS3-5 

Topics Covered 

Wendy works through a series of demos that exemplify unit standards (making a magnet and a catapult; lighting a bulb in the microwave with salt water; erupting soda using Mentos) 

Assessment Answer Key  & Critical Thinking Skills

  1. D (BT1–knowledge) 
  2. B (BT1–knowledge)
  3. A (BT3—application)
  4. C (BT4–analysis) 
  5. A (BT3–application) 

Science Standards:
NGSS: MS-PS2-3, MS-PS2-4, MS-PS2-5, MS-PS3-3, MS-PS3-5; TEKS: 7(b.2.A), 7(b.3.C), 7(b.4.A), 7(b.4.B), 7(b.7.A),  7(b.7.B), 7(b.7.C); CPALMS: SC.7.N.1.5, SC.7.N.3.2, SC.7.P.11.1, SC.7.P.11.2, SC.7.P.11.3, SC.7.P.11.4

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Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.