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Blog Technology

5 Ways

By Steve Grubbs Virtual reality can be gimmicky and a fun parlor trick, or it can be an amazingly impactful learning tool that literally changes the lives of students. There’s plenty of the former out there, but here are five of the latter that you can integrate into your learning plan today. ONE: Animal Dissection […]

Blog Technology


VICTORYXR JOINS QUALCOMM’S NEW ‘XR ENTERPRISE PROGRAM’ The Program enables enterprise solution providers by connecting them with Qualcomm’s transformative technology and other ecosystem members to help accelerate XR collaboration, innovation and adoption in key business verticals. Contact: Steve Grubbs at steve@victoryxr.com DALLAS, TX — September 17, 2019 — At the Enterprise Wearable Technology Summit (EWTS), Qualcomm […]

Blog Technology

World’s Largest Frog Dissection Company is Going Virtual

WORLD’S LARGEST FROG DISSECTION COMPANY IS GOING VIRTUAL Carolina Biological to Partner with VictoryVR to Provide Students With an Option Between Real and Virtual Dissections Burlington, NC — Carolina Biological, America’s largest supplier of specimens for dissection is taking the high school science experience to a new level with an agreement reached this week with VictoryVR. […]

Blog Technology

Animalearn Applauds VictoryVR’s Humane Frog Dissection Alternative For Schools

Animalearn Applauds VictoryVR’s Humane Frog Dissection Alternative For Schools Animalearn, a national advocacy group that promotes respect for animals in education, is praising VictoryVR’s development of a virtual reality frog dissection simulation that can replace the use of frog cadavers in biology classes. Nicole Green, Director of Animalearn, enthusiastically endorsed VictoryVR’s frog dissection simulation after […]

Blog Technology

110 Libraries Add VictoryVR Science Apps

110 Libraries Add VictoryVR Science Apps Thanks to the Vive Libraries Program, seven learning units from VictoryVR‘s High School Science Curriculum will be available in libraries across California and Nevada. The patrons of the 110 libraries throughout the two states will have access to virtual reality experiences that allow them to learn on the surface […]

Blog Technology

48 Virtual Reality Science Units Now Ready for School

48 Virtual Reality Science Units Now Ready for School With the recently wrap-up of our High School Curriculum, VictoryVR now has 48 total science curriculum units available for your school. They are available in our individual computer licenses or our full site licenses for both the Middle School Curriculum and the High School Curriculum. However, you […]

Blog Technology

How The 2018 VR Headsets Will Impact Classroom Learning

How The 2018 VR Headsets Will Impact Classroom Learning By Steve Grubbs With prices for Virtual Reality headsets plummeting in 2018, the door is finally open for 1:1 classroom learning with real VR. 2018 VR Headsets Will Impact Classroom Learning Let’s face it, Virtual Reality is really cool, and most educators agree that at one […]

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Downloading the APK directly will not include the ability to automatically update. When VXRLabs updates, you will need to come back and download the latest version here.